Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
To become a sponsor, please contact us.
Platinum - $45k sponsorship
Benefits include:
- Mention of all sponsors in promotional materials and on website
- Option to include materials in delegate packages
- Option for a small display area
- 3 complimentary registrations
Gold - $30k sponsorship
Benefits include:
- Mention of all sponsors in promotional materials and on website
- Option to include materials in delegate packages
- Option for a small display area
- 2 complimentary registrations
Silver - $15k sponsorship
Benefits include:
- Mention of all sponsors in promotional materials and on website
- Option to include materials in delegate packages
- Option for a small display area
- 1 complimentary registration
Bronze - $10k sponsorship
Benefits include:
- Mention of all sponsors in promotional materials and on website
- Option to include materials in delegate packages
- Option for a small display area